
P A S S I O N     F L O W E R

                                                                                                 Poem by  ALEXANDRU CHELARU

             Poor wandering among one solstices,
             In most humiliating exercices,
                      Passion Flower, you come back to life
                                                              every day
                      If even many rising illusions
                                                               sadly pass away…

             I bow to the Trinity – magic fire bleeding
             That change rocks in feeble natures,
                      Passion Flower, you come back to life
                                                               every day
                      If even many rising illusions
                                                               sadly pass away…

              My soul was once a pure cameo,
              But, large-hearted, scattered forming
                                                                 the Milky Way…
                       Passion Flower, you come back to life
                                                                 every day
                       If even many rising illusions
                                                                 sadly pass away…

               Later, the crypts eyes set at liberty
               Saphires, pearls – relievable divine gift…
                       Passion Flower, you come back to life
                                                                 every day
                       If even many rising illusions
                                                                 Sadly pass away…

"Primara iubire" - 1996

"Born in the land "haunted" by the good faries of beauty, land blessed by God, Alexandru Chelaru reveals himself as an authentic poet." (Prof. CONSTANTIN CLISU - writer, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA)

"Avatar" - 2000

"The delicacy of his poetic discourse convinces us that Alexandru Chelaru is a rare kind of poet, that may remain in the history of poetry with a vers in silver moon..." (Ion CARNU - poet, ROMANIA)

"Teiul de Aur" - 2007

WANTED !                                                                WANTED !

Swans are passing                                         Lebede se preling
                      pure,                                                                   pure,                                       
                        charming                                                             sirepe

among the Liars Bridge                                   printre pilonii
                         pillars…                                          Podului Minciunilor…

Wanted !                                                        Wanted !
Ungrateful rower                                             Vaslas ingrat  
                on the Rubicon !                                                 pe Rubicon !
Lamp of Diogenes !                                         Lampa lui Diogene!  

    SOLIPSISM                                                              SOLIPSISM

Loneliness`                                                          Cavernele
         Caverns                                                             singuratatii
             are full                                                               imbuibate-s
                  of prosodic                                                           de licori
                        liquors                                                                prozodice

Hanging,                                                                 Spanzurati,

          the bats                                                                liliecii
              spin                                                                     torc
                 a tirade of parables                                               tirade parabolelor

Poem wandering                                                     Poem orbecaind
          the aorta                                                               prin aorta
Lucid drunkenness –                                               Betie de luciditate -
          outdated metaphysics –                                        metafizica desueta
           the delicate  balance                                                  in echilibru fragil
                the feeble ridge                                                         pe coama plapanda
                       of fate…                                                                a sortie…   


Farewell, the nights of gala,                                    Adio, nopti de gala,
           Edgar Allan Poe,                                               Edgar Allan Poe,
It`s like that under the sun                                                    asa-i ca pe sub soare
         nothing is new ?…                                                     nimic nu mai e nou?…
Unquenched hope, seeking                                 Nestinsa, speranta cata
         The Creator,                                                                spre Faur,
The glasshouse still protects                                    Mai ocroteste palpairea
          the flashing chlorophyll                                                         clorofilei
                        emissions,                                                                     sera,
Under the remnants of memories,                                  Sub zatul amintirii,
          a lagoon,                                                                        laguna,
               the ashtray                                                                   scrumiera
invites us and promises                                              ne-mbie si promite
          a goldfish…                                                                   pestisor de aur…

BOTTICELLI                                                                BOTTICELLI

The Childhood`s Snows                                          Zapezile Copilariei
Keep the colour of eternity,                                      au culoarea vesniciei,
Therefore,in the soul`s corner                                  De-aceea-n colt de suflet
       I am holding                                                                               tin
A Botticellic cherub…                                              un Botticellic heruvim…

VERSES                                                                             STIHURI

Haughty,                                                                     Plina de sine,
  A World devoured                                                       Lume devorata
      by loneliness…                                                             de singuratate…

POESIS                                                                               POESIS

Ah, Noble Inutilitee -                                               Ah, Noble Inutilitee –
What you meant to Madame de Stael,                      Cum te meni madame de  Stael ,
You, POETRY,you are destined                              Tu, POEZIE, tie sortit e
To have a special and solid                                       Sa ai ales si trainic
                    pedestal…                                                               piedestal…

LONGING                                                                           ALEAN

Filled with sorrow,                                                    Necheaza Pegasul
   Pegasos neighs,                                                         cuprins de alean,
Awakening the dragon in me…                                Desteapta dragonul din mine…
From the harp comes a cunning song,                     Din harfa picura cantec viclean,
Angel wings hatch rubies…                                      Aripi de inger clocesc rubine…

VERSES                                                                            STIHURI

Trojan Horse                                                               Cal Troian
   Left at the gate of the aorta,                                           lasat la poarta aortei,
Ripe pomegranate -                                                     Rodie coapta –
             The Poem…                                                             Poemul…

          ***                                                                                 ***

Relief,                                                                   Izbavitoare
             The tears of Heaven                                           Lacrima Cerului
                       kiss                                                                 saruta
the wounds                                                                        ranile
 of my wanderings…                                                             ratacirilor mele…

          ***                                                                                 ***

Tireless road warrior,                                                     Caraus neobosit,
          the  Word…                                                             Cuvantul…

          ***                                                                                 ***

For a  long time, unique menu :                             De-o vreme, meniu unic :
     Dawn soaked into                                zori insiropati
                       dew…                                                  cu brume…

          ***                                                                                 ***

Full swing of                                                          Elan al denudarii ,
    tearing their clothes                                                 Imberb siesi Calare -
          barefaced                                                                    naivitate…
               himself riding –

          ***                                                                                 ***

A Cross raised in hidden                                     Cruce crescuta-n
    shells of the soul,                                                   scoici de suflet,
hemlock yearning -                                               jinduita cucuta –
     The Poem…                                                          Poemul…

          ***                                                                                 ***

The clouds -                                                       Norii –
    dust in the eyes of Saints…                            praf in ochii Sfintilor…

        OBITUARY                                                               NECROLOG

Tattooed tree…                                                    Arbore tatuat…

         CURSE                                                                     ANATEMA

At seclusion you                                            La schit cu voi,
   Restless, wasting                               cheltuitori de
             life !                                                        viata !

          ***                                                                                 ***

Rock,                                                             Stana,
         With the head resting                                   cu capul rezemat
             in an ocean                                                      in prejudecati…
                  of prejudices…

          ***                                                                                 ***

Gray -                                                           Gri –
 Grounds of a faded hope…                              zat de sperante

       REGRET                                                                 REGRET

Ass                                                                 Magar
   wearing                                                             purtand
        the quiver                                                         samarul
            with a curse…                                                  cu anateme…

  DESTINY                                                                    DESTIN

Poem carved into the soul                              Poem sculptat in suflet
                   forever…                                                 pe vecie…

          ***                                                                                 ***

With wielding we put                                   Cu sarg ne punem zilele-n
     our days into the flower press…                                     ierbar…

SOUVENIR                                                               AMINTIRE

Humble,                                                          Umil,
   the Cronos` greyhound                                     ogarul lui Cronos
       rummages                                                          scurma
            through                                                         prin
       yesterday`s ash…                                            scrumul lui ieri…

          ***                                                                                 ***

 A Groom,                                                               Mire,
       The peach tree                                                        piersicul
            exchanging                                                        ne da
                  Greetings…                                                            binete…
Let us be infused                                                     Sa
       with Spring…                                                           imprimavaram…

      NORTHWIND                                                           CRIVAT

A spruce hissing terribly                                         Cumplit mai suiera din frunza
    by a leaf                                                                           un molid
on a silver and desert night ashore.                          Pe tarm pustiu de noapte argintie…
Full of guts, an avid ragamuffin                               Plin de tupeu, un coate-goale
Abuses                                                                        avid, a despuiat
      virgin meadows…                                                            virgine lunci de iie…

 ALEXANDRU  CHELARU                                            ALEXANDRU CHELARU